So a few weeks ago, we briefly crept over the $300 mark on the Patreon campaign, and then immediately dipped back under. But – whatever, we hit the goal! So I went ahead and made the title card for Chapter 1 that I’d promised! After a couple days, I’ll move it back to the Chapter 1 where it belongs. It’s there now!


I really wanted to do a Periscope live-draw of this, but Eleanor and I are currently lodged in my mom’s house in rural Virginia, which still has the most antiquated dial-up internet still in service. I swear you can almost hear email rattling down the pipe for a few minutes before they reach your inbox. So video streaming is definitely out. Maybe I can live-draw something else later.

I had another motivation to go ahead and make this – In terms of book production, this is the last page that I needed to draw for the interior of the book. Next step is doing about a million sketches for possible covers.