Ugly but functional
Hey, I’m changing up my website some! Since I was about to lose the ability to update through Blogger, I decided to just go ahead and refocus the whole site on a WordPress blog. The last site was pretty, but a bitch to maintain. Hopefully I can get some plugins installed that’ll make archiving my current and older comics a little easier as well. I’m really out of my depth in all this stuff, so I’ll probably be tweaking for months. I’m going to keep crossposting to Livejournal, if you want to follow through there.
I’ll be interested to see how this goes for you. I really need to do the same thing and wordpress/comicspress seems to be the best option.
Yeah, so far it’s proved a weird mix – most of it is very easy to install, but then you’ll hit weird snags that require lots of googling and tweaking to be fixed. It’s less easily customizable than I was hoping, but mostly because I’m not so familiar with CSS. But there are tons of plugins and themes that are really easy to install.