Busy busy
Once again I’ve neglected The Internet for over a month!
The rundown:
I’ve got a new Wulf and Merl comic in the current issue of Disney Adventures! It is a three page story, here is the first panel:

Eleanor is going to have some work in an art show at Giant Robot (the one in Los Angeles.) It’s called “Panelists,” and has got all kinds of hip comics artists. She’s going to have a bunch of original art for sale, almost all of which was either in the most recent Mome or is going to be in the next one! You should stop by and take a look, if you’re in the area! Buy something, hint hint.

Speaking of, have you seen the cover of the next Mome yet? Here it is:

It’s definitely shaping up to be the year of Eleanor Davis! Grr.
We’re both going to be out of the country for most of June! We’re going on a walking trip in southern England! London to Winchester to Salisbury to Christchurch and back to London. This’ll be the first time I’ve ever set foot outside of the country!
Anyway, since we obviously won’t be around to be filling orders in the Little House shop, I’m going to go ahead and “close the shutters” on it till we get back. Don’t worry, if you had an order in already, it’ll get filled!
See you soon!
I hope you enjoyed your trip to Salisbury – its where I live. What was the weather like – its has been nasty for most of June.
SEO Salisbury