My grandson pores over these books over and over again looking for Easter eggs, clues, details in the illustrations and more. He reminds me of my son, who had the same obsession with the Calvin & Hobbes comic strips (and later books). You are by far his favorite author!
We can’t wait for the release of the next volume!
That looks pretty spooky…but at least they’re working together again! 😁
Book 3 was such a cliffhanger!!!
I have so many theories!!!
When will book four come out?!?! I can’t wait!
That looks pretty spooky
My grandson pores over these books over and over again looking for Easter eggs, clues, details in the illustrations and more. He reminds me of my son, who had the same obsession with the Calvin & Hobbes comic strips (and later books). You are by far his favorite author!
We can’t wait for the release of the next volume!