I feel sassified.
Just finished up the coupon book for March, and I’ve got a check in my pocket.
The printer just sent off a new proof book for the Journal Comic collection. If this one is right, maybe we can get the new print run by next week.
I’m working on a six pager for Ed Brisson’s “You Ain’t No Dancer Anthology,” so there probably won’t be any new panels this week.
I’m about to go get some dinner with Eleanor. Maybe we’ll stop by Moon River for a delicious Captain’s Porter.
I found this really, really funny.
man.. just read all of your comic journal. excellent stuff. is it just me or are there little blue dots above each of the strips?
dude, i’m so psyched for YAND. That Spider-man comic was brilliant, btw. Thanks for the link.
What exactly kind of feeling is sassification? I’m just curious if it’s when you’re extra sassy or not. Or wait, did you mean to say you were satisfied? I just hope you aren’t someone that is especially annoyed my incorrectly spelled words.
I just realized I didn’t list my website so here it is: