I’m back in Athens! But I have to leave again shortly, because:
That’s right, coming up this weekend: The Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo, or MICE! C’mon out and say hi! I’ll be at table #A32. I’ll also be doing an all-ages monster drawing workshop on Saturday, and on a panel about kids comics on Sunday! I’ll be all over that con! Like, say… a mouse… on cheese…
I went on the very good “All the Wonders” podcast, to talk with Matthew Winner about developing characters for Margo, and a number of other things. A very odd recording experience, as I was still up in Lexington, where everything shuts down promptly at 5pm and there is no wifi to be had. My brother very kindly snuck me into his place of work at night (a college theater) and I recorded there!
And I talked with Hillary Brown for a print interview at Paste Magazine! Margo, old 70s young adult books, Gnomes, and more. Hillary also lives in Athens, strangely enough.