Set to Sea 53

The story so far…
Sorry for the delay! Also, I’ve rearranged a couple of the panels previous to this one, for hopefully clearer reading. I’ll probably do a bit more editing and touch-ups when I finish the whole thing.
We had a pretty interesting weekend. On Saturday we stumbled into a little party being held by our neighborhood association. They were showing the Pirates of the Caribbean movie on the side of the old Clarke County Jail near our house, so we grabbed a blanket and went out to watch. There were little kids running all around and setting off fireworks in the driveway. It was pretty magical.
Yesterday we took a pleasant afternoon walk, and when we were coming down Milledge Street, a huge bird flew right over our heads. We followed it over to a little park by some UGA facility, and found a falcon of some type perched on top of a wiggling squirrel. We watched him fly from tree to tree, until he got to a high branch and started devouring it. The falcon was had a greyish-brown back and white belly and throat. He didn’t really seem to have any spots or patterning on his feathers, so we’re having trouble identifying him.
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