Set to Sea # negative something

The story so far…
No, the story hasn’t taken a weird, surrealistic turn. I actually decided to pause at this critical juncture to do a little retroactive filling-in and editing of the prior story. This panel is part of a small sequence that I’ll shortly be inserting all the way back in the bar scene at the beginning.
I’m not really fond of showing everybody the piecemeal, sausage-making-like process of putting Set to Sea together… but I guess that’s why you’re reading this! The final story should be a little stronger for the changes, and hopefully everybody will pretend I knew what I was doing from the start.
shouldn’t that be a exclamation pont and not a question mark in the bartender’s bubble?
Drew: I think it’s an honour for us to witness the creative process. It’s fantastic stuff. And you know, Beethoven’s 9th had plenty of sketches and changed tack a couple of times before the end too! (By the way, the question mark scans perfectly …) Keep it up.
I’ll probably keep it as is, though I am fond of interrobangs.