The Mustache
So I’m back from Virginia, and as promised, here are my silly mustache pictures.

The basic beard, at about two months growth.
Stage 1: The Biker Handlebar. This is a pretty intimidating mustache.
Stage 2: The Child Molester. Eleanor regretted this one.
Stage 3: With the addition of sunglasses: The Used Car Salesman. Very 80’s.
Stage 4: The Hitler. No way am I documenting that one for posterity.
Final Stage: Plain old scruffy regular Drew.
So, I was actually pretty pleased with the way I looked with a full beard. Maybe I’ll do it again. The other mustaches looked every bit as ridiculous as I tried to tell Eleanor they would.
Drew, rock the beard again it looks good on ya. Or the handlebar mustache. You could use it at shows to help intimidate people into buying your comics. You could tell people your name is REWD, Drew’s sinister twin brother, and talk in a bad Cockney accent (Drednaught style). Or not, y’know, whatever.
-Mr. Wilson, the man with no mustache.
Dude! Nice ‘stache. The biker one, not the other one. ;-)
You do wear a full beard well my friend, although you look kinda like the guy from Iron & Wine…
Thank you so much for sharing these. :D
rock the full beard it fits you well just trim it a little.
It’s weird – you look much older with the moustaches than you do with the full beard or no beard at all. Why is that?
I wish I could rock the facial hair like that, but the upper lip doesn’t come in for me. Sideburns and chin, I do just fine. But if left without a razor for two months, it would look like I was wearing a bike helmet made out of hair.
Hey , The beard looked great! You should grow it back.