We meet again, the Internet.
Let’s see… briefly, since I last posted: Eleanor and I visited Tucson AZ (her hometown. ) We went to Eleanor’s sister’s high school graduation. We stayed in a cabin in the Chiricahua Mountains, where you can see about a million shooting stars every night. We hiked up a canyon. We visited Bisbee AZ, about the coolest little town I’ve been in. It’s an old mining town (now taken over by hippies) that’s built into the sides of a steep valley, with hundreds of staircases leading up the stacked layers of streets and houses. We stayed at a motel where all of the “rooms” were vintage 50s Airstream trailers. I got back to Savannah to say goodbye to most of my recently-graduated Savannah friends, as they headed off into the world. We went to Savannah’s Asian Festival, and I ate three countries’ worth of food. I got a phone call with some good news about one of my comics… but I’ll hold off on the details until it’s all in writing.
I’ll have a new Set to Sea panel up for tomorrow, but for now, here’s a silly self-portrait I did for promo reasons recently:

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